(Darren Dugan) #1

Interpretation and analysis

Study: Q. 4: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human
Resource Development process?

The above table shows that the validity of the data received for the staff response to
nomination to training is 70.7%. Whereas, 26.8 %(a) has revealed that the staff shows
interested when they are nominated for a training and 2.4%(b) shows reluctance. No
response was received for the third option (c) that indicated that they took the event as a
routine matter. This shows that in majority of the cases the individual take interest as they
could relate it to their benefit and in those cases where they are unable to relate it to any
positive impact that training could have, they loose interest n shows reluctance.

Table# 12

Integration of HR Policies and Career Counseling

Do you support integration of career counseling in your organizational HR policies?

Frequency Percent
Valid 30 73.2
yes 11 26.8
Total 41 100.0

Interpretation and analysis

Study Q.3: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?

According to the table the response of the senior management to the integration of career
counseling in organizational HR policies has 73% validity. Total responses received for
this question were all for option “a” representing “yes” with no response for “b”
representing “no”. This means that even if the organization is not practically supporting

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