career counseling of the individuals still have positive attitude towards any such
Table# 13
Existing Promotion Opportunities within the Organization
Has your organization any strategy for providing promotion opportunities to its
Frequency Percent
Valid 29 70.7
no 2 4.9
yes 10 24.4
Total 41 100.0
Interpretation and analysis
Study: Q. 4: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human
Resource Development process?
Table # 13 shows that data received for following the strategy of creating promotion
opportunity has 70.7% validity. In the table 24.4% said that their organization is
following such strategy that helps create promotion opportunities, whereas, 4.9%
responded negatively. This indicates that the over all organizational environment is
supportive of the staff progress within their career line.
Table# 14
Time Period Specific Promotions-If yes, is there a time period fixed for it?
y Percent
Valid 31 75.6
no 7 17.1
yes 3 7.3
Total 41 100.0