(Darren Dugan) #1

Table# 11-B
Staff Attitude towards Trainings

What is the response of the staff when nominated to a training?

Frequency Percent


Valid 2 5.6 5.6 5.6
a 25 69.4 69.4 75.0
b 1 2.8 2.8 77.8
c 8 22.2 22.2 100.0
Total 36 100.0 100.0

Interpretation and analysis

Study: Q. 4: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human
Resource Development process?

According to table 13-B the validity of the data listed in this table is 5.6%. In this table
option “a” representing the interested of the staff towards training has received 69.4%,
“b” representing the option if the staff has shown reluctance to any training when they are
nominated and option “c” representing the option of taking the event as a routine matter
has received 22.2% responses. This means that majority of the staff is motivated to attend
the training if their organization provide them with such opportunities. Some individuals
take it as routine duty which may be because either the training is not inline with their
professional field which they want to pursue as their career or is not of the required level
that would match the needs of the employees. The 2.2% who had shown reluctance to
going on training may be because they could not relate the benefits of the training to their
interests or may be the timings are in conflict with some other engagements of the

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