(Darren Dugan) #1

development in the service contract, whereas, 94.4 % has responded positively. The
affirmative response to the question highlights the attitude of the senior management
towards any such intervention, which is similar to that of the learning organizations

4.2.2. Part II: Middle and Junior Level staff Understanding and

Expectation of Career Development

In this part of the quantitative analysis we have analyzed the responses received from the
junior and middle level staff. Again the tables have been drawn from two different
databases in order to carry out a comparative analysis of the career development process
in two different contexts, i.e, the learning organization and the conventional organization.
The interpretation of the data listed in this section is followed by the discussion on the
analysis. The analysis of these tables is given as- The learning Organization
Training Received
Have you received any training at your present organization?

Frequency Percent
Valid YES 26 41.3
NO 33 52.4
Total 59 93.7
Missing System 4 6.3
Total 63 100.0

Interpretation and analysis

Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?

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