Table# 9-C
Impact of Trainings on Careers
What type of impact these training have on your career?
Frequency Percent
Valid 30 47.6
A 7 11.1
A,B 1 1.6
D^1 1.6
A,C 1 1.6
B 11 17.5
B,D 1 1.6
C 6 9.5
C,D 1 1.6
E 3 4.8
B,C,E^1 1.6
Total 63 100.0
Interpretation and analysis
Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational
development and vice versa?
The above table reflects that the data received for the impact of the training on
individuals’ career development has a validity of 47.6%. In the above table A represents
Helps in promotion, B represent Increases work responsibilities, C represent special tasks
assignments, D represent Financial gains and E as any other. The table shows that 52.4%
of the responses received to this questions has opted for different options including
facilitating promotions, increase in work responsibilities, taking up special assignments
and also financial gains. This means one way or the other these trainings has contributed
to the individuals career development.