(Darren Dugan) #1

The above table shows that 15.9% of the total has responded to this question which also
conforms to the reliability of the data presented in table # 13-C.11.1% those who has
responded to this question say that they would like to shift to some other organization in
the same field, 3.2% say that in some other organization in a different field and 1.6 say
self employment. This means that these 11.1% of the employees, who would like to go to
some other organization in the same field, could be retained by the organization by
discussing the reason for leaving the organization.

Table # 15-C
Need for Career Counseling
Do you think that you need career counseling at the organization?

Frequency Percent
Valid YES 47 74.6
NO 12 19.0
Total 59 93.7
Missing System 4 6.3
Total 63 100.0

Interpretation and analysis

Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?

In response to the individuals’ need for career counseling 74.6% has shown their
inclination to such intervention at their organization of work. 19.0% has said no to such
support from the organization. This means that majority of the individuals would like to
get such support from the organization.

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