(Darren Dugan) #1

Table # 16-C
Type of Support required for Career Counseling
What kind of support will suit you the best with respect to career counseling?

Frequency Percent
Valid 11 17.5
A 40 63.5
B 12 19.0
Total 63 100.0

Interpretation and analysis

Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?
The above table shows that in response to the nature of support expected with respect to
career counseling has a validity of 17.5%. 63.5% of these responses showed their desire
for a formal support by the organization in this respect. 19.0% responded in favor of
informal support. This shows that majority of the employees expects a formal support in
this respect.

Table # 17-C
Type of Organizational Support to Career Development
What you suggest how the organization can help you in promoting your career?

Frequency Percent
Valid 9 14.3
a 6 9.5
a, b 1 1.6
a, b, c 7 11.1
a, c 6 9.5
b 3 4.8
c 12 19.0
c 17 27.0
d 2 3.2
Total 63 100.0

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