work pattern. This means the majority of the employees undergo a positive change after
they receive training.
Table # 20- C Table # 21-C
The Type of Impact Created by Training
If yes, then please mention in what way? If yes, then please mention in what way?
y Percent
Valid 14 22.2
a 17 26.98
Total 63 100.0
Table # 22-C Table # 23-C
The Type of Impact Created by Training
If yes, then please mention in what way? If yes, then please mention in what way?
y Percent
Valid 36 57.1
c 27 42.9
Total 63 100.0
Interpretation and analysis
Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational
development and vice versa?
Table # 20-C, 21-C, 22-C and 23-C show that in response to the question about the
impact of training, 27.0% responded to option “a” highlighting improvement in
efficiency at work, 17.5% responses were for “b” representing change in quality of work,
42.9 % selected the option “c” representing improved understanding of work and 19.0%
responses selected option “d” that highlights increase in interest at work. According the
above table in certain cases respondents has chosen more than one option which means
y Percent
Valid 52 82.0
b 11 17.0
Total 63 100.0
y Percent
Valid 51 81.0
d 12 19.0
Total 63 100.0