Interpretation and analysis
Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational
development and vice versa?
Table # 25-C reflects a validity of 11.1% for the data listed in it. In the above table 84.1%
has responded positively to sharing of information gained through trainings. Only 4.8%
has responded negatively to sharing of information. This means majority of the staff
share the information gained through trainings creating a compound effect of the event.
Table # 26-C Table # 27-C
Knowledge Sharing Strategy
If yes, how? (sharing learning) If yes, how? (sharing learning)
(a) Guiding colleagues at work (b) Motivating them for quality
Table# 28-C
Knowledge Sharing Strategy
If yes, how? (sharing learning)
(c ) providing work support
Frequency Percent
Valid 36 57.1
c 27 42.9
Total 63 100.0
Interpretation and analysis
Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational
development and vice versa?
y Percent
Valid 27 42.9
a 36 57.1
Total 63 100.0
y Percent
Valid 45 71.4
b 18 28.6
Total 63 100.0