responsibility with their present skills. This means that in case of majority of the staff,
their skill development is inline with their professional requirement and though they have
not experienced it but feels confident enough for taking up increase in responsibility.
Those who have said no may be actually lacking the skill or it may be only the lack of
If no, what would you suggest for the company/organization to do?
Suggested Strategies for Staff Development
Table# 51-C Table# 52-C
Send the staff on special training Provide on the job coaching
y Percent
Valid 51 81.0
a 12 19.0
Total 63 100.0
Table# 53-C Table # 54-C
Enhance responsibility first on trial basis Use any other method
Interpretation and analysis
Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?
Table 50-C, 51-C, 52-C and 53-C show the options given by the individuals how the
organization should help in enhancing their abilities to take up more responsibilities.
According to table 50-C 19.0% said that they would like to take a special training before
taking up a higher level of responsibilities. According to table 51-C 11.1% said that they
would want to have on the job training. According to table 52-C and 53-C 22.2% said
y Percent
Valid 56 88.9
B 7 11.1
Total 63 100.0
y Percent
Valid 62 98.4
D 1 1.6
Total 63 100.0
y Percent
Valid 49 77.8
c 14 22.2
Total 63 100.0