Interpretation and analysis
Study: Q.5: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human
Resource Development process?
According to the table# 55-D the validity of the data in this table is 12.1%. In this table
30.3% of the respondents feel that they can not handle the responsibilities of the higher
position with their present skills. 57.6% are inclined to taking such a challenge with their
present skills. In table # 50-D, 87.9% of the total respondents say that their skills need to
be upgraded for their present job. This means that these 57.6% respondents are not
actually equipped with the skills to handle responsibilities of a position higher to their
position and hence are simply indicating their aspirations.
Suggested Strategies for Staff Development
If no, what would you suggest for the company/organization to do?
Table# 57-D) Table # 58-D
(arrange special training) (On the job coaching)
y Percent
Valid 46 69.7
A 20 30.3
Total 66 100.0
Suggested Strategies for Staff Development
Table # 59-D Table# 60-D
(initial delegation of responsibilities (Any other suggestion)
before formal promotion)
y Percent
Valid 48 72.7
b 18 27.3
Total 66 100.0
y Percent
Valid 59 89.4
C 7 10.6
Total 66 100.0
y Percent
Valid 63 95.5
D 3 4.5
Total 66 100.0