(Darren Dugan) #1

1.2. Significance of the Study

1.2.1. Contribution towards Participative Management Practices

The information gained in this research will positively contribute to the concept of
participative management which, in recent years, is strategizing upon making the
employees, the share holders within the organization rather than just stakeholders. This
research explains the facts that the share of the employees may not be just interpreted in
terms of direct financial share of the company but could also be seen as the share in
progress and development of the company. The idea of upgrading employees’ status to
that of a shareholder is to create a sense of ownership among the employees. Creating
ownership feelings among the employees through career development would not only
generate loyalties among the staff but would also encourage them to take charge and be
innovative in their work, hence bringing a competitive edge to the company.

1.2.2. Importance of Career Development in the Process of Organizational

The reason why career development has been chosen as the focus of this study is because
sustainability could be achieved through a long term association with the organization.
This means that majority of the valuable HR on the basis of which the organization
strategize should remain with it for a period long enough to promote the process from one
phase to another. The other incentives and motivational plans have a very short lived
impact on employee’s motivation and commitment. As these interventions are unable to
produce lasting effect required for the transformational process whereby the
organizations encounter innumerable challenges stretching over a longer period of time.
OD processes can not be developed on the basis of quick fix strategies as consistency of
behaviors is what is needed for the organization to enable it pass through the upheavals of
the transitional period.

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