(Darren Dugan) #1

individuals’ career development. This also helps us generalize that individuals’
development is an imperative to attain organizational development. Based on this
generalization, we can say that once a proper match of the individuals and the jobs is
achieved, then career development of those individuals becomes a shared responsibility
of the organizations and the individuals.
It can be further concluded that though there is a difference of commitment level
towards career development but the senior management as a whole belonging to both the
categories believes that the process should be formally supported by the organization. It
is further added that this commitment is higher in the learning organizations context but it
does not exist in the formal form and hence they do not feel bound to the process. We
know that a formal support from the management is always required for any change
intervention to be institutionalized and sustainable. At this point, integration into policies
and contract would be indicative of such a formal support that would ensure continuity of
such a practice.

5.1.2. Part II: employees’ expectations and understanding with respect to

career development

Through the information gathered and analyzed in this study, it can be generally
concluded that the staff belonging to any category is aware of the importance of trainings
in their career promotion. It is because of this awareness that they think that whatever
training they receive even if its impact is not direct, still it contributes towards their
The results produced by this study help us deduce that career progression path and
the process is clearly defined and transparent in learning organizations due to its
participatory form of management and open culture. It is because of this that the
employees are clear about their career development opportunities in such organizations.
Whereas, in conventional organizations ambiguities exist in such processes due to lack of
employee involvement in the process, which limits the vision of the employees about
their career progression.

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