trainings and communicating standards of quality work. From all this, it can also be
concluded that individual development contributes towards creating a learning climate in
the organization especially when the context is that of a learning organization. This is
because the learning organizations practices are based upon team work, where the
performance of one individual affects the performance of the whole team. Hence we
conclude that staff development activities do not only favor individuals in grooming
themselves, but also provide a great deal of inputs in improving organizational
As we know that knowledge sharing is one of the most effective strategies of
gaining competitive edge, from this research we conclude that no effective procedure
exists for the formal dissemination of knowledge gained through trainings. This means
that if organizations initiate a formal system for the dissemination of such knowledge,
then it will be able to create a trickle down effect of the trainings. This means a training
of one individual will create an impact on the performance of many employees.
The comparison of the two different contexts, i.e., learning organization and
conventional organization, carried out in this study shows that learning organizations’
management involves employees at different stages. In the case of learning organizations,
it is because of this involvement that the processes are more transparent and employees
feel much more comfortable with the decisions of the management. This allows the
utilization of maximum energies of the staff on development rather than conspiring
against each other. They could clearly relate how their career development will occur in
that organization, so job insecurity and feelings of unjust treatment by the management is
encountered effectively. Whereas, in conventional organizations, we find that there exists
ambiguities or inconsistencies regarding the promotion process which creates frustration
and sense of insecurity among the staff.
Some of the findings of this study help us generalize that the employees
belonging to different categories are aware of the fact that their capacity development
positively contributes to the over all organizational development. It can also be safely
concluded that employees’ understanding and attitude towards their career development
is always positive and any variation in their performance or behavior may be attributed to
the environment available to them.
darren dugan
(Darren Dugan)