At a stage, when the individual has gained the competencies and improved
performance level, the concern arises that would s/he stay with the organization on the
existing package or not?
Again logically, the answer would be that if he sees the opportunities of growth-
financial or non-financial, outside the organization, he would positively leave that
organization. But this does not mean that the issue cannot be resolved internally. Hence,
creating an internal opportunity could effectively counter this outflow of employees. As
we have seen that quick fixes provide relief to the organization temporarily and often
leaves the organization stranded with the compound effect of the multiple issues due to
these quick fixes. If the organization is able to develop a partnership with the employees
by effectively creating a correlation between the employees’ stake and the organization’s
stake as a whole, then greater are the chances that the employees remain committed and
loyal to the organization.
In response to the second question that how long an organization can remain
competitive in terms of salary? We may say that in order to develop themselves the
organizations have to improve their financial status besides bringing improvement in
other aspects of its business. With the development of organization, the need for
competency level also changes as organizational needs also become complex due to the
increase in complexity of its internal tasks requirement. This means, now it has to offer
competitive salary according to the level set by this new group of competitors which the
organization had recently entered by virtue of its growth. It is therefore, a never ending
process putting the organization into a challenging pursuit to take lead in the market in
offering competitive salaries. Therefore, to overcome this issue the organization has to
seek other strategies, such as employees’ wellness programs, sharing profit with
employees and career development etc.
Under the circumstances a salary raise, as said earlier, is a quick fix which cannot
have a lasting impact. On the contrary merging the organizational interest and the
individual interest helps inculcate a long time commitment on both sides i.e. the
individuals and the organization. At the same time it also contributes towards creating a
synergetic effect by giving same direction to the endeavors of the individuals and the
organization adding to the pace of development.
darren dugan
(Darren Dugan)