(Darren Dugan) #1

they said that if the focus of this commitment is only their current job then learning and
change activities contribute to a limited degree. This means that if one time benefit is the
focus of such activities then its long term impact is reduced putting the organization back
into the same situation of getting into skill shortage for another such type of need.
In a situation like this, if the organization is desirous of creating a lasting impact
that would eventually contribute towards sustainability of the development process, then
individuals should be developed continuously. Based on the analogy drawn from living
bodies, in a natural course of time all the living bodies capable of responding effectively
to the environment as they grow and develop, in this process or growth their parts also
grow and develop to be able to perform more specialized function. Similarly, for an
organization to be able to respond effectively to the external environment it has to grow
and develop, and during that course its components should also grow and evolve into
more specialized ones.
Besides others components of the process, HR is one of the main components that
are responsible for all the complex movements of the organization. It is a component that
enables it to respond intelligently to the environment but at the same time as a demand of
human nature a boost of morale is required all times. The boost in morale could be
achieved when the organizations are able to maintain the interest of the employees. To
achieve this organizations develop certain strategies, but as the focus is creating long
term impact through boosting morale, therefore the study is limited to those strategies
that could contribute to creating such a long term impact.
This study, at certain points, has focused on understanding the attitude and
behaviors of an organization toward employee concerns which was analyzed through the
senior management responses to this issue. Though attitudes and behaviors are difficult to
gauge in a research study due to its abstract nature but carries a prominent impact on
molding the work environment and procedures of an organization. Their supportive
attitude could encourage the staff to take the ownership of the process and perform their
role more proactively rather than reactively. Their argument can also tell us how formally
the processes can be taken up by the organization.

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