(Darren Dugan) #1
understand the use and pattern of their behavior. In archetype 1, we should remove
and or change the factors that limit the progress instead of pushing harder for
reinforcement. Hence changing the limiting factors will promote the process of

  1. Archetype 2- Shifting the burden : It is an individuals’ tendency to look for quick
    fixes and for that purpose they try to address the symptoms of the problem instead of
    exploring the root cause and correcting the whole process. Symptomatic solutions
    temporarily shift the burden of the problem but most of the time at later stage the
    solution itself becomes the part of the problem and thus compounding the effect of
    the issue. On the other hand, corrective or preventive solution is based on a long term
    commitment and is a lengthy procedure but with sustainable impact. While explaining
    this, Senge has quoted an example of a person in the process of seeking solutions to
    alcoholism whereby he shifts the burden of his problem with the use of some other
    drug, which may help him for the time being but that over a period becomes a
    problem in itself.

It relieves the problem symptom, gives the person the feeling of having solved
the problem, diverts their attention from the fundamental problem, but simply
causes the underlying causes and pressures to worsen. (Senge, 1990)

Senge’s logic of Archetype II is deep rooted but his example explaining the
difference between temporary (symptomatic) and sustainable (corrective/preventive)
measures and further advocating the use of corrective solution is too simple. As the life
goes on it is not that simple because sometimes a symptomatic solution is required
whether we like it or not. At times if such a symptomatic solution is not resorted to right
away and would take the longer route for adopting corrective solution, then we may end
up with an added number of problems caused by the first problem. This does not mean
that we do not need sustainable solutions. The whole idea is that assessing the gravity of
the problem, the two different burden shifting processes may be used either solely or at
certain occasions both may be used.

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