(Darren Dugan) #1

properly from different perspectives based on sufficient information from different
aspects, without being swayed by their pride of good times and success stories. Once the
preconceived notions in the individual’s mind are broken then creating a consensus of
opinion among them becomes easy. At this stage we will discuss the concept of building
a shared vision among the people.

2.2.3. Building a Shared Vision

A shared vision is pre-requisite for successful organizations. Whether it is totally or
partially, a shared vision exists when an organization gains competitive edge over others.
According to Senge, building a shared vision is achieved when:

  1. People have similar picture in mind and the common organizational vision
    reflects people’s personal vision.

  2. People are committed to one another and the whole organization.

  3. Cohesion among the people is higher because of having common aspiration.

  4. People feel motivated due to common interest.

  5. A common vision grows stronger and provides energy for generative learning and
    expands people’s ability for creativity.

  6. It may come from intrinsic or extrinsic source.

Mintzberg and Quinn have established that “shared vision comes out of individuals’
personal vision” (1996:419), which supports that the vision is automatically owned by
Other strategic planning may be able to provide a very timely impetus for progress
towards a bigger picture but cannot uphold the people’s motivation for a longer period.
Such a lasting impetus could be achieved through building shared vision from "a course of
action that transcends and unifies all our individual visions...and even allows multiple
visions to exist” (Senge, 1990)
Once a common picture is created among the individual, progress becomes
sustainable as it becomes everybody’s business. According to Senge there are two major

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