(Darren Dugan) #1

This means that interaction enhances the knowledge base of the individuals and
therefore the organizations facilitate healthy interaction between the individuals. Impediments in harnessing the power of knowledge and HRD

The discussion clearly indicates the importance of knowledge for the development of HR
but it is not a simple process. Sorting out the relevant information arranging it in a
meaningful sequence and disseminating it is a complex process which encounters many
problems. Holbeche(1999) says that knowledge management is all about harnessing and
channeling that power of knowledge and experience which exist among the people within
an organization. This could be achieved when an environment is created where the
managers realizes the worth of knowledge sharing and are ready for investment in the
process. Creating such an environment is not an easy task as there are many impediments
in the process. Some of these are:

  1. Rate of Changing Workforce

Now-a-days, the nature of work force is highly flexible and changes take place rapidly.
This means that the association of the workers is not that strong with the organization. On
the other hand workforce including consultants, contractors and other temporarily
appointed staff is yet another group who do not feel as part of that organization.
According to Linda, it is quite challenging for an organization to capitalize on the skill,
knowledge and experience of such a workforce. Investment on such a knowledge source
is quite risky for the manager and therefore, he is hesitant to initiate any long term
program in this respect.

  1. Conventional Hierarchical Structure of an Organization
    Another factor identified by Linda is the old hierarchical structure and related fixed
    career progression routes. In the old structure the individuals gained knowledge about the
    technical know how of the organization and got promoted to the higher level in the
    hierarchy. Under these circumstances the colleagues who are suppose to share their

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