understanding of their role in the big picture. By relating to the big picture they could
also be able to identify opportunities for themselves.
- Hesitation about Reviewing the Past Failures
People fail to review their past failure for learning purpose due to fear of blame for that
failure. Sometimes they feel it unnecessary to go through the review of past
leaning/experiences. In certain cases even success stories are avoided as they are hesitant
to remember the success stories of their predecessors considering that these might prove
that the previous job holder’s performance was better than their own performance.
In addition to the above listed many other barriers to knowledge management
exist within the organization. These must be identified and addressed before the
management decides to establish an effective knowledge management system. The Learning Culture...........................
Although learning takes place through out the life of the individuals, but at times it could
be clearly observes and at other point in time it seems to have stopped. This is because of
the varied pace of learning. When the pace is fast, changes in the behavior and
knowledge of the individuals could be clearly seen and hence, could be deduced that the
individual is learning. When this pace is too slow, the changes that are brought by
learning at that point in time are negligible so it seems to have stopped. It is, therefore,
stressed that for learning to take place an environment should be provided that will
promote learning. In another words such an environemnt will enhance the pace of
learning. Rheem has given that:
What learning organizations do is set us free because employees no longer
have to be passive players in the equation; they will learn to express ideas
and challenge themselves to contribute to an improved work environment
by participating in a paradigm shift from the traditional authoritarian
workplace philosophy to one where the hierarchy is broken down, and