other organizations. In the process of inter-organizational learning the organization
makes efforts to copy those specific features of other organization which has been the
cause of its success and affectivity. In the process of inter-organizational learning, the
organization along with its suppliers and distributors, benefiting from the variety of data
that could be easily accessed by different partners, explore new ways for effective
business.(Jones: 2005). In the process the first hand data may also reshape the existing
knowledge of the organization. Jones comments about ream learning in the light of
Personal Mastery as:
There is little point in creating teams to facilitate team learning if an
organization does not also take steps to give its employees the freedom to
develop a sense of personal mastery. Similarly, the nature of inter-
organizational learning is likely to be affected by the kind of learning
going on inside an organization. (2005:p. 406)
The concept of system thinking given by Senge encourages us to see ourselves as
an integrated part of the whole environment where we exist and perform. Similarly an
organization exists in a specific environment of business and unless it operates as an
articulate part of that environment, the organization will always be struggle for its
survival .On the other hand if the organization synchronizes its structure and functions
with the environment where it exists, this will liberate its major chunk of resources to be
used for progress. Once it is properly articulated into the system where it exists, it can
enhance its performance many fold. This can only be realized when the internal
organizational learning matches with the external available knowledge of the
environment causing amplification of the organizational learning and performance.
2.6.3. Strategic HRD...................................................
Strategic HRD has been defined by Beer and Spector (1989; in Garavan et al, 1995) as a
proactive, system – wide intervention, with it linked to strategic planning and cultural