Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1
Academic Leadership: Fundamental Building Blocks



Step 1

Using the data that you entered into the Blind Area of the Johari window in the previous
activity, develop 2–3 specific questions that you would like answered about your work
behaviours as an Academic Coordinator. Examples may include asking professional
staff why they are not able to do the task I ask.

Questions I would like to ask



Step 2

Choose someone who has worked quite closely with you in your role as Academic
Coordinator for at least six months. It could be another Academic Coordinator, a course
coordinator, a professional staff member who works on the program or even your Head
of School. The important thing is that it is someone who knows you well in your role as
Academic Coordinator and who will give you honest feedback.

Name of person

Step 3

Show this person a diagram of the Johari window. Explain how it works and the
importance to you of identifying and addressing issues in your blind area, particularly
given the changing environment in which you work as an Academic Coordinator in
higher education.

Step 4

Explain to this person that you want them to provide you with completely honest and
frank feedback on your behaviours as an Academic Coordinator as this will help you to
identify and address issues in your Blind Area and become more effective in your role.
What do they see as your most effective and least effective behaviours? At this stage
you do not need to divulge to them what you see as issues for you in this area.
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