Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1
Academic Leadership: Fundamental Building Blocks



Step 1

Identify an issue that you would like to deal with in your Academic Coordinator role.

Step 2

Devise an Action Learning Plan to address the issue. Think carefully about:

  • What data you will need to collect? Can you get others to collect it for you?

  • Who should be involved in your action learning team? You should involve the key
    stakeholders as well as those who have specialised skills or knowledge that will help
    to resolve the issue.

  • How can you get them interested and committed? (Keeping their time commitment to
    a minimum by running meetings efficiently and providing food usually work!)

Data need to collect

Can others collect data for me?

My action learning team members:

Remember that this is a problem-solving learning exercise, so you don’t need to worry
that you may have no idea how to resolve the issue. That is the value of the action
learning process.
For more information about Action Learning approach you might like to check


Robbins, S. P., Millett, B., & Waters-Marsh, T. (2004). Organisational behaviour (4th ed.).
Frenchs Forest, New South Wales: Pearson Education Australia.
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