Academic Leadership: Fundamental Building Blocks
Table 1: Personal Traits That Affect Listening Effectiveness (Pearce et al., 2003)
Staying neutral and not getting involved emotionally, enhances listening.
Listening increases with age, until you get very old.
Open Mindedness
Having an open mind improves your ability to listen.
Level of self-centredness
Over-preoccupation with self image, knowledge or importance reduces effective listening.
Don't do multiple tasks when trying to listen.
A moderate relationship exists between intelligence and listening.
Level of anxiety and stress
Stress lowers our ability to listen.
Managerial rank
Managers tend to listen better than subordinates.
Presence of problems
Diminishes hearing.
Women are generally considered better listeners; men prefer to listen to the general, women to
the details.
Think about:
Which of your personal traits predispose you to being an effective listener?
Which predispose you to being a poor listener?
What can you do about this?
Write about this in your journal.