Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1
Academic Leadership: Fundamental Building Blocks


7.6 Building Teams

(click the activity index number to take you back to the activities index)

The quality and effectiveness of much academic work, particularly activities associated
with teaching and learning, is enhanced by effective and efficient team work. Programs
are no more than collections of courses unless they are supported by groups of people
coming together in teams to plan, review, evaluate, and revise the program as a
coherent and connected set of knowledge, skills and attitudes.


The objective of this activity is to help you identify, build and
lead effective program teams.

When building teams it is important to maintain a positive climate. You will need to
use many other skills associated with the role of developer, including:

  • managing conflict

  • coaching

  • delegating

  • communicating effectively.
    When building a team it is also important to understand the way groups work. Applying
    these skills will enable you to assist your team in functioning effectively.

Identifying Your Team

Quinn, Faerman, Thompson, McGrath, and St. Clair (2007, pp. 68–70) identify four
essential characteristics of effective work teams:

  1. The group is committed to a common goal or purpose – this is described as the
    ‘glue’ that holds them together. Collectively setting goals increases ownership and
    commitment to achieving those goals. (Refer to the activity in Section 9.1.)

  2. Members of the group have clear roles and responsibilities that are interdependent

    • one of the values of a team is that individual members can draw on the
      knowledge, skills, and abilities brought to the team by other members.

  3. There is a communication structure that fosters the sharing of information – this
    includes structures and processes that enable team members to voice concerns
    and the team to have issues, decisions and actions recorded.

  4. The group has a sense of mutual accountability – if the team has shared goals and
    members understand theirs and others roles and responsibilities, a sense of
    commitment to each other will form naturally.

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