Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1
Academic Leadership: Fundamental Building Blocks


  • Refocus the role:

    • pay more attention to it, recognising the importance of selecting the most
      appropriate operational role for each new situation.

  • Reflect on the role:

    • given the feedback you have received from others and what you know of
      yourself, consider how you could more effectively select the most appropriate
      operational role in different situations.
      We have identified some activities you might like to consider to assist you in this
      task. There are also some readings listed below that you may find useful. They are
      available through our web page
      (Look for “Resources for Workshop Participants” on the left hand corner of the


Behn, R. D. (2003). Why measure performance? Different purposes require different measures.
Public Administration Review, 63(5), 586–606.
Balbastre Benavent, F. (2006). TQM application through self-assessment and learning: Some
experiences from two EQA applicants. Quality Management Journal, 13(1), 7–25.
Hammer, M. (2007). The process audit. Harvard Business Review, 85(4), 111–123.
Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (2007). Using the balanced scorecard as a strategic management
system. Harvard Business Review, 85(7/8), 150–161.
Kawamoto, T., & Mathers, B. (2007). Key success factors for a performance dashboard. DM
Review, 20–21.


(click the activity index number to take you to that section)

8.1 Managing the Flow of Information and Communication
8.2 Monitoring Group Processes
8.3 Monitoring Program Performance.
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