Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1
Academic Leadership: Fundamental Building Blocks



Step 1

Think about the various ways in which you receive information. How well do you
think you manage the information flow?

Step 2

Draw up a daily and weekly schedule that allows space each day, around
teaching and other commitments, for you to:
Think and reflect

Step 3

Implement a trial of your system for a month. Refine it to suit your particular needs and
context. Think about the following as you evaluate your personal system:
Do you have the balance of time spent on the various activities right?
If it doesn’t seem to be working, where are you spending too much time?

Is the problem that you are spending too much time reviewing and not enough acting?

Or are you allowing yourself to be easily distracted?

Have you turned your email off?


Quinn, R. E., Faerman, S. R., Thompson, M. P., McGrath, M. R., & St. Clair, L. S. (2007).
Becoming a master manager: A competing values approach (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
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