Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1
Academic Leadership: Fundamental Building Blocks


and review of teaching and curriculum and industry and student focus groups. Bringing
a variety of different types of information together and using them as the basis for
identifying strengths and weaknesses is a useful way to monitor the performance and
quality of programs and courses, and to begin the process of quality improvement.
In order to measure performance you will need to:

  • Regularly access data about your program (including course and teacher

  • Track progress against performance measures set by the institution.

  • Identify any additional measures you think are important.

  • Access existing data or determine if you need to collect new data related to those
    While your job will be simpler if you use data that are collected by others, there is often
    significant value in collecting and analysing complementary information, such as data
    obtained in student, staff and industry focus groups, information about student
    placements/fieldwork, feedback from industry at advisory group meetings, etc.


Step 1

List what you consider to be the three most important outcome measures of performance
for your program. Remember to consider a range of factors such as institutional
priorities as well as industry requirements and student and staff feedback.
Measure 1:

Measure 2:

Measure 2:
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