Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1
Academic Leadership: Fundamental Building Blocks


10.2 Influencing Your Line Manager...................................................................................

(click the activity index number to take you back to the activities index)

Your ability to influence others, including your line manager, is an important part of the
Broker role. According to research by Gabarro and Kotter (2005/1980), employees who
believe they need to manage their relationship with their managers, and who take a
somewhat strategic approach in doing so, enjoy greater job satisfaction, effectiveness
and career success than those who think it is solely the line manager's responsibility to
manage them. As an Academic Coordinator you will need to establish a good working
relationship with your line manager. An important part of this relationship will be your
ability to influence your line manager.


The objective of this activity is to improve your ability to
influence your line manager.

The benefits of improving your relationship with your line manager, usually your
Head of School, are many. You can reduce your physical and mental stress, increase
your opportunities for recognition and promotion, and make it easier for yourself and
your team to implement your ideas. Your self confidence and motivation will improve
and your job satisfaction will increase. A good working relationship with your line
manager will also help you to anticipate and avoid potential problems.
If you are to improve your relationship with your line manager, and your influence
with them, it is important not to fall into the trap of blaming them, ‘the system’ or ‘the
University for the problems. By apportioning blame, we very often absolve ourselves of
any responsibility for finding a solution. Hence, managing upwards puts some
responsibility back on you to ensure that you can work towards solutions. Your
effectiveness as an Academic Coordinator will be greatly enhanced.


The following three questionnaires can be used to conduct an audit of your relationship
with your Head of School or other line manager. They will also help you to identify what
action you need to take to improve your influence with them.

Understanding Your Line Manager

Do you know your line managers goals and priorities (professional and personal),
preferred working styles, needs, strengths and weaknesses?
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