Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1

Chapter 2 – Personal Action Plans


Requirements for a Certificate in Academic Leadership

To qualify for this Certificate from the University of South Australia you will need to do
the following:

Produce a document that covers the following.

  1. Item1: Personal Action Plan (as outlined earlier in this chapter) to be completed.

a. You may need to do several iterations of the Action Plan as your project
b. You will need to explain each of the steps.

  1. Item 2: Use of Academic Literature to support your Action Plan(s). You may use
    the readings referred to in “Academic Leadership: Fundamental Building Blocks”
    or include some of your own. Include these references in your documents.

  2. Item 3: Where to from here?

a. This would be short explanation of how you intend to:

i. Embed your new behaviours for future use

ii. Continue to focus on your Academic Leadership development

ii. Other projects that you may undertake to enhance the quality of
Teaching and Learning in your program.

  1. Keep a journal to support your development of Academic Leadership. You will
    need to submit an extract of your journal (5 pages) illustrating reflective practice.
    The purpose of the above documentation is that you are able to illustrate to the
    program leaders that you have enhanced your Academic Leadership capability by
    working on a Teaching and Learning project.
    If you wish to receive the Certificate (illustrated in Figure 2) please contact Tricia
    Vilkinas ([email protected]) at the beginning of your Academic Leadership

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