(Amelia) #1


both heat and mass transfer are taking place between the gas stream and the liquid film.
The film heat transfer coefficient is found to be 100 W/m^2 K. Using a pipe friction chart
and assuming the tubes to behave as smooth surfaces, calculate:

(a) the film mass transfer coefficient, and
(b) the gas velocity at the interface between the laminar sub-layer and the turbulent zone
of the gas. Specific heat of airD 1 .0 kJ/kg K. Viscosity of airD 0 .02 mN s/m^2.
Diffusivity of carbon disulphide vapour in airD 1. 1 ð 10 ^5 m^2 /s. Thermal conduc-
tivity of airD 0 .024 W/m K.


The Taylor – Prandtl modification of the Reynolds analogy for heat transfer and mass
transfer is discussed in Section 12.8.3 and the relevant equations are:

For heat transfer: R/u^2 Dh/Cpus 1 C ̨Pr 1 D# (equation 12.119)

or: h/CpusD#/ 1 C ̨Pr 1  (i)

For mass transfer: R/u^2 DhD/us 1 C ̨Sc 1 D# (equation 12.120)

or: hD/usD#/ 1 C ̨Sc 1  (ii)

Taking the molecular mass of air as 29 kg/kmol and atmospheric temperature as 293 K,
the density,D 29 / 22. 4  273 / 293 D 1 .206 kg/m^3.

∴ ReDdu/D 50 ð 10 ^3 ð 38 ð 1. 206 / 0. 02 ð 10 ^3 D 114 , 570

and from Fig. 3.7:#DR/u^2 D 0 .0021.

From Table 1.3, the Prandtl number,PrDCp/k
D 1. 0 ð 103 ð 0. 02 ð 10 ^3 / 0. 024 D 0. 833
From Table 1.3, the Schmidt number,ScD/D
D 0. 02 ð 10 ^3 / 1. 206 ð 1. 1 ð 10 ^5 
D 1. 508

Substituting in equation (i):

 100 / 1. 0 ð 103 ð 1. 206 ð 38 D 0. 0021 / 1 C ̨ 0. 833  1 

∴ 0. 00218 D 0. 0021 / 1  0. 167 ̨and ̨D 0. 22

Substituting in equation (ii):

hD/ 38 D 0. 0021 / 1 C 0. 22  1. 508  1 D 0 .00189 andhDD 0 .072 m/s

The gas velocity at the interface of the laminar sub-layer and the turbulent zone,ub
may also be estimated from:

ub/uD 2. 32 Re^0.^125 (equation 12.60)

or: ubD 38 ð 2. 32  114 , 570 ^0.^125 D 20 .6m/s

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