financial planners, 129, 258n, 259 n,
263 n, 270 n,274, 274n, 276
financial reports. Seefinancial
statements;specific report
financial service
organizations/industry, 259–62,
360 n
financial statements, 236, 324n,
328–29, 328n,399, 432, 439, 442,
509 n. See alsoper-share
earnings; security analysis; type
of report
First Tennessee National Bank,
Firsthand mutual funds, 81, 126,
Fischhoff, Baruch, 127
Fisher, Kenneth, 185n
Fisher, Lawrence, 67n
fixed-value investments, 512–13. See
also type of investment
Fleet Boston Financial Corp., 384n
Florida real estate, collapse of, 144
fluctuations, market, 4, 188–225,
236 n, 509 n;and aggressive
investors, 33; and asset
allocation, 197; in bond prices,
207–12; book value and,
198–200, 198n, 203 n;and brain,
220–23; and buy-low-sell-high
approach, 192–94; and
defensive investors, 189;
example of, 200–205; and
forecasting, 189–92, 190n,206,
210; and formula investment
plans, 194–95, 195n;as guide to
investment decisions, 189–92;
history of (1871–1972), 65–72; of
investor’s portfolio, 195–97;
managers and, 206–7; and
margin of safety, 525; and
mispricing of stock, 212–13;
Morgan’s comments about, 54,
54 n;and Mr. Market parable,
204–5, 212–25; and other
people’s mistakes, 221, 223;
silver lining to, 17, 224; timing
and pricing of, 189–92, 206; and
valuation, 188, 189, 195–207,
211, 212–13
FMC Corp., 545–46, 559–60
Food and Drug Administration,
U.S., 167n
“The Foolish Four” trading, 44–46
footnotes to financial statements,
315, 328–29, 328n,399, 432, 439
Forbesmagazine, 185, 185n, 337 n
forced sale of stock, 203, 204
forecasting: addiction to, 221, 223;
and advice, 260–61; and
aggressive investors, 179–80,
184, 378; and “consensus”
earnings, 374; and defensive
investors, 131–32, 364, 364n,
374; and financial analysts,
265 n;and history of stock
market, 72–79, 80–87; of
inflation, 48, 50, 54, 54n;and
investment funds, 255; and
investments vs. speculation,
24 n;and market fluctuations,
189–92, 190n,206, 210; and
Raskob’s prescription, 2;
reliability of, 10; and security
analysis, 281, 282n,288–89,
291 n, 293 n,298, 299; and
selection of stock, 364, 364n,
374, 378; and speculation, 572;
and timing, 179–80; the
unpredictable, 378
foreign stocks/bonds, 134, 138, 148,
148 n,176–77, 186–87, 239–40,
250, 252
formula investing/trading, 28–29,
41–46, 90–91, 192. See also
specific formula
formula plans/planners, 194–95,
195 n
formula timing, 156–57
Fortune500 list, 181, 426n, 500
Four Seasons Nursing, 234
401(k) plans, 64, 104, 105, 106, 111n,
126–27, 147, 215, 249
FPA Capital Fund, 397, 400
Index 603