The Intelligent Investor - The Definitive Book On Value Investing

(MMUReader) #1

T. Rowe Price, 105, 107, 148n,251,
takeovers, 429–33, 429n,487–88,
487–88n. See also specific
tangible-asset value. Seebook value
Target Corp., 373
taxes: and aggressive investors, 134,
149, 149n,155, 180n,398; on
corporations, 99, 99n,177; and
defensive investors, 91–96, 96n,
99, 99n,100, 106, 106n,108, 109,
110, 129, 363n;on dividends, 99,
294 n,493, 495–96, 496n, 507 n,
561, 562; and expectations for
investors, 23–25, 27, 34; and
history and forecasting of stock
market, 75; important rules
concerning, 561–62; and
inflation, 50, 54, 63–64; and
interest, 99n,100, 561, 562; and
investor-management relations,
497; and losses, 561, 562; and
margin of safety, 520; and
market fluctuations, 207–12,
219, 224, 224n;and per-share
earnings, 314, 316, 318, 318n,
324 n;of regulated investment
companies, 561–62; and
repurchase plans, 507, 509; and
security analysis, 284, 285, 294n,
305; and stock options, 509,
509 n. See also specific company
TCW, 245
“technical approaches,” 2–3
technology stocks: and aggressive
investors, 30, 172n, 173 n,187,
383 n;and convertible issues
and warrants, 411n;and
defensive investors, 126n,369;
and dividends, 490n;in
investment funds, 243; and
investments vs. speculation, 37;
and investor-management
relations, 503, 507; and margin
of safety, 521–22n;and market
fluctuations, 215; and risk, 12;

and security analysis, 291n,299;
as “sure things,” 15. See also
specific company
Teco Energy, 373
telecommunications stocks, 81, 215,
291 n,369, 383n, 437 n,521–22n
Teleprompter Corp., 234
television, financial, 258n
Telex Corp., 234
Tellabs Inc., 370
Temco Services, 40
Tenneco, 458n
Texaco, 187, 289, 292, 351, 353
Texas Instruments, 116, 116n, 490
Third Avenue Funds, 369, 400
3Com, 479–80
3M Co., 305, 372, 568
Thurlow Growth Fund, 243–45
TIAA-CREF, 110, 111n
ticker symbols, 40, 40n
Ticketmaster Online, 40
Tillinghast, Joel, 400
Time Warner Inc, 442–43. See also
AOL Time Warner
timing, 156–57, 179–80, 179n,189–92,
TIPS.SeeTreasury Inflation-
Protected Securities
Tomlinson, Lucile, 118
Torray (Robert) Fund, 251, 397, 400
Toys “R” Us, Inc., 444, 445
tracking stocks, 396–97
trade names. Seebrand names
trades: costs of, 318n, 363 n, 379 n,
385 n;of delisted stocks, 385n;
size of, 247; volume of, 266–68
trading: insider, 479n
“trading in the market,” 30
Trane Co., 316
Transamerica Premier Equity Fund,
Treasury Inflation-Protected
Securities (TIPS), 26n,63–64,
63 n, 211 n
Tri-Continental Corp., 417
Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc., 477n
trust companies, 29, 270, 360n

620 Index
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