Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis (Elsevier Aerospace Engineering)

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108 CHAPTER 4 Virtual Work and Energy Methods

Fig. P.4.2

P.4.3 Determine the reactions at the built-in end of the cantilever beam ABC shown in Fig. P.4.3 using the

Ans. RA= 3 WMA=2.5WL.

Fig. P.4.3

P.4.4 Findthebendingmomentatthethree-quarter-spanpointinthebeamshowninFig.P.4.4.Usetheprinciple

Ans. 3 wL^2 /32.

Fig. P.4.4

P.4.5 CalculatetheforcesinthemembersFG,GD,andCDofthetrussshowninFig.P.4.5usingtheprinciple

Ans. FG=+20kN GD=+28.3kN CD=−20kN.
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