Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis (Elsevier Aerospace Engineering)

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498 CHAPTER 16 Shear of Beams

Calculate and sketch the distribution of shear flow due to a vertical shear forceSyacting through the shear
isξS=l/ 2 ( 1 +a/b).

Ans. q 2 =q 4 = 3 bSy/2h(b+a), q 3 = 3 Sy/ 2 h.Parabolicdistributions.

Fig. P.16.6

P.16.7 ShowthatthepositionoftheshearcenterSwithrespecttotheintersectionofthewebandlowerflangeof

ξS=− 45 a/97, ηS= 46 a/ 97

Fig. P.16.7 Fig. P.16.8

P.16.8 Definetheterm“shearcenter”ofathin-walledopensectionanddeterminethepositionoftheshearcenter

Ans. 2.66rfromcenterofsemicircularwall.
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