44 CHAPTER 1 Basic Elasticity
P.1.11 The simply supported rectangular beam shown in Fig. P.1.11 is subjected to two symmetrically placed
transverse loads each of magnitudeQ. A rectangular strain gauge rosette located at a pointPon the centroidal
axisononeverticalfaceofthebeamgavestrainreadingsasfollows:εa=− 222 × 10 −^6 ,εb=− 213 × 10 −^6 ,and
εc=+ 45 × 10 −^6. The longitudinal stressσxat the pointPdue to an external compressive force is 7N/mm^2.
(Q= 2 bdτ/3 whereb=breadth,d=depthofbeam)
E=31000N/mm^2 ν=0.2
Ans. τ=3.17N/mm^2 Q=95.1kN.
Fig. P.1.11