558 CHAPTER 19 Structural Idealization
Ans. 142.5mmfromside23.
Fig. P.19.4
P.19.5 A uniform beam with the cross section shown in Fig. P.19.5(a) is supported and loaded as shown in
carried by the booms, and the shear stresses by the walls, calculate the vertical deflection at the ends of the
beam when the loads act through the shear centers of the end cross sections, allowing for the effect of shear
Fig. P.19.5
TakeE=69000N/mm^2 andG=26700N/mm^2 .Boomareas:1,3,4,6=650mm^2 ,2,5=1300mm^2.
Ans. 3.4mm.
P.19.6 Acantilever,length,L,hasahollowcrosssectionintheformofadoublysymmetricwedgeasshownin
Fig. P.19.6. The chord line is of lengthc, wedge thickness ist, the length of a sloping side isa/2, and the wall
thicknessisconstantandequaltot 0 .Uniformpressuredistributionsofmagnitudesshownactonthefacesofthe
wedge.FindtheverticaldeflectionofpointAduetothisgivenloading.IfG=0.4E,t/c=0.05,andL= 2 c,show
thatthisdeflectionisapproximately5600p 0 c^2 /Et 0.