Problems and Solutions on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

(Ann) #1

208 Problems €4 Solutioru on Thermodynamics €4 Statistical Mechanics

(a) I = ;d2,
;x (2 + 1) - h2 = 3- h2
I I'

k6o =

then k6o = - - - 7.3 x J, 60 = 530 K.

As the hydrogen gas had reached thermal equilibrium at high temperature
before the experiment, the ratio of the number of the para- to that of the
orthohydrogen in the experiment is 1:3, which is the ratio of the degrees of
freedom of the spins.
(c) When T >> 60,01, the rotational energy levels are completely ex-
cited. From equipartition of energy, E = nkT, or C, = nk, where n is the
total number of the hydrogen molecules. (Note that here we only consider
the specific heat associated with rotation.)
(d) When T << 00,01 , there are almost no hydrogen atoms in the highly
excited states. Therefore, we consider only the 1st excited state for para-
and orthohydrogen. Noting the degeneracy of the energy levels, we have
for orthohydrogen

Similarly we have for parahydrogen
Cip) x npk. 5 ($) e-OoIT.

Note that
3 1
no = zn, np = in,
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