Problems and Solutions on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

(Ann) #1
224 Problem3 d Solutiom on thermodynamic^ d Statistical Mechanics

(a) The partition function is

= empHIkT = sinh
m=- J

(b) The average magnetization is

  • M=-(g)T=NkT(&lni)
    = 2 [(2J + 1) coth (2.7 + 1)- - coth
    2 [ 2kT 2kT

(c) When kT >> pH, using

cothxa?(l+%), 2 for x<1

we get
M - w -NJ(J^1 + 1)- P2 H
3 kT

Two dipoles, with dipole moments MI and M2, are held apart at a
separation R, only the orientations of the moments being free. They are in
thermal equilibrium with the environment at temperature T. Compute the
mean force F between the dipoles for the high temperature limit __
kT R3

  1. The system is to be treated classically.
    Remark: The potential energy between two dipoles is:

MlM2 <<

(3(M1 .R)(M2 .R) - (MI .M2)R2)
4= R5

Taking the z-axis along the line connecting'M1 and M2, we hatre

[2 cos 81 cos e2 - sin 81 sin 82 cos(pl - p2)].
4=- Ml M2
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