single-equation function, go to Step 10 to comment and save the equation. If you are defining a multi-
valued function, continue with Step 5.
- Click on the Regime 1 tab. Type in the appropriate lower and upper limits for the regime variable you
defined under the Function tab. - Define the equation for this regime.
- Click on the Regime 2 tab. Notice that the lower limit for the regime variable is already defined and
unchangeable. This feature ensures that the regimes remain continuous, with no gaps. Define the upper
limit for this regime. - Define the equation for this regime.
- Continue this process for up to six regimes. You do not have to store or save the individual equations
in each regime, unless you wish to reuse the equation in another regime. - Optional: Enter a comment to describe the function. Select Editor> Comment and type your comment
in the area provided. - Save the function. Select Editor> Save and type in a name. The filename must have a .func extension.
3.2.3. Using Your Function
After you have defined and saved your function, you can use it in any applicable ANSYS analysis, and
any other ANSYS user with access to the file can use it. For example, you could create a corporate library
of functions and place them in a common directory that all users can access via a network.
To use the function, you must load it, assign values to any equation variables, and provide a table
parameter name for use in a given analysis. Functions are stored in a table arra y in equation format,
not as discrete table values. All of these tasks occur via the Function Loader.
3.3. Using the Function Loader
When you are ready to apply specific values to the equation variables, specify a table parameter name,
and use the function in an analysis, you must load the function into the Function Loader.
Access the Function Loader via the ANSYS GUI in either of the following ways:
- Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Functions> Read file
- Utility Menu> Parameters> Functions> Read from file
- Navigate to the directory where you saved the function, select the appropriate file, and open it.
- In the Function Loader dialog box, enter a table parameter name. This is the name you will use
(%tabname%) when you specify this function as a tabular boundary condition. - On the bottom half of the dialog box, you will see a Function tab and a Regime tab for each regime
defined for the function. Click on the Function tab. You will see a data entry area for each equation
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Using the Function Loader