Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1

You can also apply an initial state to elements based on the material ID number (for the entire element).

4.1.1. Node-Based Initial State

Initial state application can also be node-based, a capability available in current-technology elements

  • Layered elements

You can apply an initial state to each layer at every node within the element. Initial state values applied
at nodal positions are interpolated within each layer to the corresponding element integration points.

  • Beam elements

You can apply an initial state to each cell number at every node within the element. Initial state values
applied at nodal positions are interpolated within each cell to the corresponding element integration

  • All other elements

For all other element types, the initial state is applied at each node within the element.

Node-based initial state with user-defined data types can be used with field-dependent material prop-
erties. For more information, see Understanding Field Variables in the Material Reference.

For more information, see Node-Based Initial Strain Application (p. 97) and Example: Node-Based Initial
Strain Problem Using the INISTATE Command (p. 107).

4.2. Initial State Application

This section provides typical cases for applying an initial state, as follows:

4.2.1. Initial Stress Application

4.2.2. Initial Strain Application
4.2.3. Initial Plastic Strain Application
4.2.4. Initial Creep Strain Application
4.2.5. Initial State with State Variables Application
4.2.6. Node-Based Initial Strain Application

4.2.1. Initial Stress Application

Although initial stress is element-based, the structure of the INISTATE command is element-type-inde-

For continuum or link elements, apply initial stress according to the specific element integration point.

For layered elements, apply initial stress based on the layer number, the layer integration point or the
element integration point. Beams allow you to apply initial stress based on the cell number, the section
integration point, and/or the element integration point.

For reinforced elements, you can assign different values of initial stress to different reinforcings within
the same element.

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Initial State

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