Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1

  • To generat e load vectors, residual vectors, or enforced motion pseudo-static shapes for a subsequent
    mode-superposition analysis or spectrum analysis (modal analysis restart).

The multiframe restart can resume a job at any point in the analysis for which information is saved, al-
lowing you to perform multiple analyses of a model and giving you more options for recovering from
an abnormal termination. The program allows a multiframe restart for static and transient (full or mode-
superposition method) analyses. Distributed ANSYS supports multiframe restarts for nonlinear static
and full transient analyses, and for linear perturbation analyses.

The modal analysis restart can be used to do additional calculations after the eigensolution. Modal ex-
traction typically requires more computing time than element loads generation, residual vector gener-
ation, and enforced static modes calculation. Reusing eigenmodes that have already been generated
can save significant time in a downstream analysis.

You can also rerun a VT Accelerator analysis using information available from a previous run. Rerunning
an analysis completed with VT Accelerator can reduce the number of iterations needed to obtain the
solution for all load steps and substeps.

5.8.1. Multiframe Restart

To perform a multiframe restart, the model must meet the following conditions:

  • The analysis type must be static (steady-state), harmonic (2-D magnetic only), or transient (full or
    mode-superposition method only). No other analysis type can be restarted.

  • At least one iteration must have been completed in the initial run.

  • The initial run should not have stopped abnormally (for example, a system level abort).

  • The initial analysis, and the restart file generated, must have the identical product version in common.

If performing a nonlinear static or full transient analysis, the program sets up the parameters for a
multiframe restart by default.

Multiframe restart allows you to save analysis information at many substeps during a run, then restart
the run at one of those substeps. Before running an initial analysis, use the RESCONTROL command
to set up the frequency at which restart files are saved within each load step of the run.

When restarting a job, use the ANTYPE command to specify the restart point and type of restart. You
can continue the job from the restart point (making any corrections necessary), or terminate a load step
at the restart point (rescaling all loading) and continue with the next load step.

The following example input shows how to set up the restart file parameters in an analysis then restart
the analysis, continuing from a specified load step and substep.

Example 5.1: Setting Up Restart File Parameters and Restarting the Analysis

et,1,182,,, !Define nodes and elements

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