as how frequently you want the files to be written. For an overview of the Solution Controls
dialog box, see Using Special Solution Controls for Certain Types of Structural Analyses (p. 120).
For details about how to set options on the Solution Controls dialog box, access the dialog
box (Main Menu> Solution> Sol'n Control), select the tab that you are interested in, and
click the Help button. Multiframe File Restart Requirements
The following files are necessary to do a multiframe restart:
- Jobname.RDB - This is a database file saved automatically at the first iteration of the first load step,
first substep of a job. This file provides a complete description of the solution with all initial conditions,
and remains unchanged regardless of how many restarts are done for a particular job. When running
a job, you should input all information needed for the solution - including parameters (APDL), com-
ponents, and mandatory solution setup information - before you issue the first SOLVE. If you do not
specify parameters before issuing the first SOLVE command, the parameters are not saved in the
.RDB file. In this case, you must use PARSAV before you begin the solution and PARRES during the
restart to save and restore the parameters. If the information stored in the .RDB file is not sufficient
to perform the restart, you must input the additional information in the restart session before issuing
the SOLVE command. - Jobname.LDHI - This is the load history file for the specified job. This file is an ASCII file similar to
files created by LSWRITE and stores all loading and boundary conditions for each load step, including
parameters that may be required for tabular loads and boundary conditions. The loading and
boundary conditions are stored for the FE mesh. Loading and boundary conditions applied to the
solid model are transferred to the FE mesh before storing in the Jobname.LDHI. When doing a
multiframe restart, the program reads the loading and boundary conditions for the restart load step
from this file (similar to an LSREAD command). In general, you need the loading and boundary con-
ditions for two contiguous load steps because of the ramped load conditions for a restart. You cannot
modify this file because any modifications may cause an unexpected restart condition. This file is
modified at the end of each load step or when an ANTYPE,,REST,LDSTEP,SUBSTEP,ENDSTEP command
is encountered. - Jobname.Rnnn - For nonlinear static and full transient analyses. This file contains element saved
records similar to the .ESAV or .OSAV files. This file also contains all solution commands and status
for a particular substep of a load step. All of the .Rnnn files are saved at the converged state of a
substep so that all element saved records are valid. If a substep does not converge, no .Rnnn file is
written for that substep. Instead, an .Rnnn file from a previously converged substep is written.
However, if the current substep number is 1, the .Rnnn file will be from the last substep of the
previous load step. - Jobname.Mnnn - For mode-superposition transient analysis. This file contains the modal displace-
ments, velocities, and accelerations records and solution commands for a single substep of a load
Note for Distributed ANSYS For Distributed ANSYS, the Jobname.RDB and Jobname.LDHI files
contain data for the entire model and are required on the master process only. The JobnameX.Rnnn
files contain only the data for the domain on which they were created and are required on the master
and slaves processes. The .Rnnn files use the naming convention JobnameX where X stands for the
process rank (0 to N-1). For more information, see Restarts in Distributed ANSYS in the Parallel Processing
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