Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1

  1. Enter the program and specify the same jobname that was used in the initial run. To do so, issue
    the /FILNAME command (Utility Menu> File> Change Jobname). Enter the SOLUTION processor
    using /SOLU (Main Menu> Solution).

  2. Determine the load step and substep at which to restart by issuing RESCONTROL, FILE_SUMMARY.
    This command prints the substep and load step information for all .Rnnn files in the current directory.

  3. Resume the database file and indicat e that this is a restart analysis by issuing ANTYPE,,REST,LD-
    STEP,SUBSTEP,Action (Main Menu> Solution> Restart).

  4. Specify revised or additional loads as needed. Be sure to take whatever corrective action is necessary
    if you are restarting from a convergence failure.

  5. Initiate the restart solution by issuing the SOLVE command. (See Obtaining the Solution (p. 124) for
    details.) You must issue the SOLVE command when taking any restart action, including ENDSTEP

  6. Postprocess as desired, then exit the program.

If the files Jobname.LDHI and Jobname.RDB exist, the ANTYPE,,REST command:

  • Resumes the database Jobname.RDB

  • Rebuilds the loading and boundary conditions from the Jobname.LDHI file

  • Rebuilds the solution commands and status from the .Rnnn file, or from the .Mnnn file in the case
    of a mode-superposition transient analysis.

At this point, you can enter other commands to overwrite input restored by the ANTYPE command.


The loading and boundary conditions restored from the Jobname.LDHI are for the FE
mesh. The solid model loading and boundary conditions are not stored on the Job-

After the job is restarted, the files are affected in the following ways:

  • The .RDB file is unchanged.

  • All information for load steps and substeps past the restart point is deleted from the .LDHI file. In-
    formation for each new load step is then appended to the file.

  • All of the .Rnnn or .Mnnn files that have load steps and substeps earlier than the restart point remain
    unchanged. Those files containing load steps and substeps beyond the restart point are deleted before
    the restart solution begins in order to prevent file conflicts.

  • For nonlinear static and full transient analyses, the results file .RST is updated according to the restart.
    All results from load steps and substeps later than the restart point are deleted from the file to prevent
    conflicts, and new information from the solution is appended to the end of the results file.

  • For a mode-superposition transient analysis, the reduced displacements file .RDSP is updated accord-
    ing to the restart. All results from load steps and substeps later than the restart point are deleted

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