from the file to prevent conflicts, and new information from the solution is appended to the end of
the reduced displacements file.
When a job is started from the beginning again (first substep, first load step), all of the restart files
(.RDB,.LDHI, and .Rnnn or .Mnnn) in the current directory for the current jobname is deleted before
the new solution begins.
You can issue a ANTYPE,,REST,LDSTEP,SUBSTEP,RSTCREATE command to create a results file for a
particular load step and substep of an analysis. Use the ANTYPE command with the OUTRES command
to write the results. A RSTCREATE session does not update or delete any of the restart files, allowing
you to use RSTCREATE for any number of saved points in a session.The RSTCREATE option is not sup-
ported in mode-superposition analysis.
The following example input shows how to create a results file for a particular substep in an analysis.
Example 5.5: Creating a Results File for a Particular Substep
! Restart run:
antype,,rest,1,3,rstcreate !Create a results file from load
!step 1, substep 3
outres,all,all !Store everything into the results file
outpr,all,all !Optional for printed output
solve !Execute the results file creation
set,,1,3 !Get results from load step 1,
!substep 3
5.8.2. Modal Analysis Restart
After solving a modal analysis to obtain the eigensolution, you can restart the modal analysis to perform
the following calculations:
- Expand modes of interest or all of the modes (MXPAND command) when the modes were not expanded
during the modal analysis step. - Generate multiple load vectors (MODCONT command).
- Generate residual vectors (RESVEC command).
- Generate enforced motion pseudo-modes (MODCONT command).
An eigensolution is not calculated in the restart phase.
The symmetric eigensolvers (LANB, LANPCG, SNODE, and SUBSP on the MODOPT command) support
all of the above calculations during a modal analysis restart. The complex eigensolvers support only
some of the above calculations during a restart, as described below:
- The damped eigensolver (MODOPT,DAMP) only supports mode expansion.
- The QR Damped eigensolver (MODOPT,QRDAMP) only supports mode expansion when complex
solutions are requested (Cpxmod = ON on the MODOPT command). When complex solutions are
not requested (Cpxmod = OFF), this eigensolver supports mode expansion and multiple load vector
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Restarting an Analysis