Chapter 7: The General Postprocessor (POST1)
Use POST1, the general postprocessor, to review analysis results over the entire model, or selected
portions of the model, for a specifically defined combination of loads at a single time (or frequency).
POST1 has many capabilities, ranging from simple graphics displays and tabular listings to more complex
data manipulations such as load case combinations.
To enter the general postprocessor, issue the /POST1 command (Main Menu> General Postproc).
The following POST1 topics are available:
7.1. Reading Results Data into the Database
7.2. Reviewing Results in POST1
7.3. Additional POST1 Postprocessing
7.1. Reading Results Data into the Database
The first step in POST1 is to read data from the results file into the database. To do so, model data
(nodes, elements, etc.) must exist in the database. If the database does not already contain model data,
issue the RESUME command (Utility Menu> File> Resume Jobname.db) to read the database file,
Jobname.DB. The database should contain the same model for which the solution was calculated, in-
cluding the element types, nodes, elements, element real constants, material properties, and nodal co-
ordinate systems.
The database should contain the same set of selected nodes and elements that were selected
for the solution. Otherwise, a data mismatch may occur. For more information about data
mismatches, see Appending Data to the Database (p. 147).
Following are important guidelines for postprocessing analysis results:
- When postprocessing results obtained with the linear perturbation procedures, the database must be
saved after the solution is finished because the node coordinates are updated with the base analysis
displacements during the solution. - When postprocessing results obtained from a contact analysis, the database must be saved after the first
solution is finished because the nodal connectivity of contact elements is updated and internal nodes are
added during the solution.
After model data are in the database, load the results data from the results file by issuing one of the
following commands:SET,SUBSET, or APPEND.
7.1.1. Reading in Results Data
The SET command (Main Menu> General Postproc> Read Results> datatype) reads results data
over the entire model from the results file into the database for a particular loading condition, replacing
any data previously stored in the database. The boundary condition information (constraints and force
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