(mechanical power).Therefore, if your model has a combination of element types, be sure to select elements
of one type(using ESEL or Utility Menu> Select> Entities) before using the ETABLE command.
- The element table is not automatically refilled (updated) when you read in a different set of results (such
as for a different load step) or when you alter the results in the database (such as by a load case combin-
ation). For example, suppose your model consists of our sample elements, and you issue the following
commands in POST1:
SET,1! Read in results for load step 1
ETABLE,ABC,lS,6! Move SDIR at end J (KEYOPT(9)=0) to the element table
! under heading "ABC"
SET,2! Read in results for load step 2
At this point, the "ABC" column in the element table still contains data for load step 1. T o refill (update)
the column with load step 2 values, you should issue the command ETABLE,REFL, or specify the refill
option via the GUI.
- You can use the element table as a "worksheet" to do calculations among results data. This feature
is described in Additional POST1 Postprocessing (p. 182). - To save the element table, issue SAVE,Fname,Ext in POST1 or issue /EXIT,ALL when exiting the
program. (If you are using the GUI, follow the prompts in the dialog boxes that appear when you
choose Utility Menu> File> Save as or Utility Menu> File> Exit.) This saves the table along with
the rest of the database onto the database file. - To erase the entire element table from memory, issue ETABLE,ERASE (Main Menu> General Postproc>
Element Table> Erase Table). (Or issue ETABLE,Lab,ERASE to erase just the Lab column of the
element table).The element table will automatically be erased from memory if you issue a RESET
command (Main Menu> General Postproc> Reset).
7.1.4. Special Considerations for Principal Stresses
Principal stresses for SHELL61 elements are not readily available for review in POST1. By default, the
principal stresses are available for all line elements except in either of the following cases:
- You have requested an interpolated time point or angle specification on the SET command.
- You have performed load case operations.
In the above cases (including all cases for SHELL61), you must choose Main Menu> General Postproc>
Load Case> Line Elem Stress or issue the command LCOPER,LPRIN in order to calculate the principal
stresses.Then you may access this data through ETABLE, or any appropriate printing or plotting com-
7.1.5. Resetting the Database
The RESET command (Main Menu> General Postproc> Reset), allows you to re-initialize the POST1
command defaults portion of the database without leaving POST1.The command has the same effect
as leaving and re-entering the program.
7.2. Reviewing Results in POST1.
Once the desired results data are stored in the database, you can review them through graphics displays
and tabular listings. In addition, you can map the results data onto a path (for details, see Mapping
Results onto a Path (p. 170)).
Release 15.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
The General Postprocessor (POST1)