EPPL,EQV or EPCR,EQV). For total strains (item and component EPTOT,EQV), you would typically
use an effective Poisson's ratio between the input Poisson's ratio and 0.5. As an alternative, you
can save the equivalent elastic strains using ETABLE with the effective Poisson's ratio equal to
the input Poisson's ratio and save the equivalent plastic strains in another table using 0.5 as the
effective Poisson's ratio, then combine the two table entries using SADD to obtain the total
equivalent strain.
- Effect of /EFACET:You may see different plots with different /EFACET settings when viewing continuous
contour plots (PLNSOL). If you set /EFACET,1, the contour values for the intermediate locations are
interpolated based on the average of the adjacent averaged corner node values. However, if you set
/EFACET,2, the midside node values are first calculated within each element, based on the average
of the adjacent unaveraged corner node values. The midside node values are then averaged together
for a PLNSOL contour plot. If you issue /EFACET,4, the program uses shape functions to calculate
results values at three subgrid points along each element edge. The subgrid values are first calculated
within each element and are then averaged together for PLNSOL plots. Therefore, the contour values
at the midside locations will differ with different /EFACET settings.
In most cases,PLESOL contours will be the same regardless of /EFACET settings. However, you
will see differences in PLESOL contour plots if you change /EFACET settings in conjunction with
any RSYS setting other than KCN = 0.When a coordinate system other than global Cartesian is
chosen (KCN = 1, 2, etc.), the results are first averaged in the global Cartesian coordinate system,
and then the averaged results are transformed to the specified results coordinate system. Deformed Shape Displays
You can use these in a structural analysis to see how the structure has deformed under the applied
loads. To generat e a deformed shape display, use one of the following:
GUI: Utility Menu> Plot> Results> Deformed Shape
Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Deformed Shape
For example, you might issue the following PLDISP command:
PLDISP,1! Deformed shape superimposed over undeformed shape
Figure 7.6: A Sample PLDISP Plot
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