Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1

You can change the displacement scaling by issuing the /DSCALE command (Utility Menu> PlotCtrls>
Style> Displacement Scaling).

Be aware that when you enter POST1, all load symbols are automatically turned off. These load symbols
remain off if you subsequently re-enter the PREP7 or SOLUTION processors. If you turn the load symbols
on in POST1, the resulting display will show the loads on the deformed shape. Vector Displays

Vector displays use arrows to show the variation of both the magnitude and direction of a vector
quantity in the model. Examples of vector quantities are displacement (U), rotation (ROT ), magnetic
vector potential (A), magnetic flux density (B), thermal flux (TF), thermal gradient (TG), fluid velocity (V),
principal stresses (S), etc.

To produce a vector display, use one of the following:
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Vector Plot> Predefined
Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Vector Plot> User-Defined

To scale the arrow lengths, use one of the following:
GUI: Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Style> Vector Arrow Scaling

PLVECT,B! Vector display of magnetic flux density

Figure 7.7:PLVECTVector Plot of Magnetic Field Intensity

You can also create your own vector quantity by specifying two or three components on the PLVECT
command. Path Plots

These are graphs that show the variation of a quantity along a predefined path through the model. To
produce a path plot, you need to perform these tasks:

  1. Define path attributes using the PATH command (Main Menu> General Postproc> Path Opera-
    tions> Define Path> Path Status> Defined Paths).

  2. Define the points of the path using the PPATH command (Main Menu> General Postproc> Path
    Operation> Define Path> Modify Path).

Release 15.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information

The General Postprocessor (POST1)

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