Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1

Other commands are:

  • TRPLIS command (Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Flow Trace> List Trace Pt) - lists
    trace points.

  • TRPDEL command (Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Flow Trace> Dele Trace Pt) -
    deletes trace points.

  • TRTIME command (Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Flow Trace> Time Interval) -
    defines the flow trace time interval.

  • ANFLOW command (Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Animate> Particle Flow) - generat es an animated
    sequence of particle flow.


  • Three arra y parameters are created at the time of the particle trace: TRACPOIN, TRACDATA and TRACLABL.
    These arra y parameters can be used to put the particle velocity and the elapsed time into path form. The
    procedure to put the arrays into a path named PATHNAME is as follows:

  • Particle flow traces occasionally stop for no apparent reason. This can occur in stagnant flow regions, near
    wall flow regions, or when a particle is tracking along an element edge. T o resolve the problem, adjust
    the initial particle point slightly in the cross stream direction.

  • For charged particle traces, the variables Chrg and Mass input by the TRPOIN command (Main Menu>
    General Postproc> Plot Results> Flow Trace> Defi Trace Pt) have units of coulombs and kilograms,
    respectively, in the MKS system.

  • The particle tracing algorithm could lead to an infinite loop. For example, a charged particle trace could
    lead to an infinite circular loop. To avoid infinite loops, the PLTRAC command argument MXLOOP sets a
    limiting value.

  • Charge particle tracing could be performed after an electrostatic analysis (using only electric field), or after
    a magnetostatic analysis using only magnetic field or coupled magnetic and electric fields. The latter case

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